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Friday, May 21, 2010

Delicious Pineapple More Tips

Peel the pineapple and disappointed you, pineapple flesh pale and sour taste. Because the pineapple, including the one fruit that continues to stand upright, natural juices tend to settle down. solution: cut the top leafy green pineapple. Establish a pineapple upside down (the part that is cropped below) for 30 minutes. This simple way of helping to spread evenly across sari so that the pineapple fruit taste sweeter.


  1. Ohhhh... great..
    i didn't know before.. i though because i bought unripe pineapple.. :)

    thanks Chef..

  2. @delia : lol .. These tips from my mom.

    you're welcome

    @Duit Online : yup.. :)

  3. @nikon camera: you're welcome


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