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Monday, December 21, 2009

Sauteed Pumpkin

for 2 servings

• 200 grams squash, cut length
• 50 grams of corn putren, split lengthwise
• 4 red onions, sliced
• 1 bay leaves
• 1 cm galangal, crushed
• 2 large red chilli, sliced oblique
• ¾ teaspoon salt
• ¼ teaspoon pepper powder
• ¼ teaspoon sugar
• 150 ml of water
• 3 tablespoons oil for sauteing

Subtle seasoning:
• 3 cloves garlic
• ½ teaspoon pepper
• 2 cloves pecans, roasted
• 1 teaspoon ebi, brewed, roasted

How to make:
1. Heat the oil. Saute onion, bay leaves, galangal, red chillies, and spices until fragrant smooth.
2. Enter squash and corn putren. Stir until wilted. Add salt, pepper powder, and sugar. Mix well.
3. Pour water. Cook until cooked.

1 comment:

  1. ajiiiiiib, bentuk perwujudan laki sayang bini.. mantapz! lanjutkan gan!

    jgn lupa kunjungannya juga ke


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